5 min readMar 6, 2022


Ethlas | The Metaverse that rewards Gamers

USD $1,125,912.94 earned by players on Ethlas

I have been investing in different projects and recently came across a metaverse project which really excited me.

Ethlas has existing games which you can start playing without any investment and the best part is you can start earning “Gems”

If it sounds exciting to you let’s go on the journey.

First of all, you need to;

1) Metamask wallet, you can open one from, i would recommend the Google Chrome extension.

2) Add polygon network to your Metamask —

3) goto connect your Metamask and start playing.

4) Click on play and start collecting gems daily Streak

5) start completing the challenges they have and earn Gems.

Once you have enough Gems and hands-on experience you can start taking part in Tournaments and win bigger.

Now, this sounds exciting right, but there is more.

So you are now aware of the game, how to connect and play. Let’s dig more dip.


GEMS= In-game currency — Crypto

XGEM= Real-world currency- Crypto

Once you earn minimum of 1000 GEMS you can convert them to XGEM within the Ethlas website, go to Market → Marketplace -> Convert Gems to XGems

Once you convert to Xgems you can see it in your Metamask and then you can convert to Matic and so on. If you need further instructions on how to convert to Matic let me know.

INGAME Rewards

While you get GEMS you also have a chance to win “FREE SPIN” OR “ORE”


Different types of ORE — I simply say stones, 3 types of stones available you can see in your Bag -> Inventory

1) Common Ore

2) Rare Ore

3) Mythical Ore


This is a process of converting or sort of processing.

10 Common Ore = 1 Rare Ore

10 Rare Ore = 1 Mythical Ore

10 Mythical Ore = “Some NFT” Depend on what they bring, earlier they had “THE TESSERACT”


  1. The Windblown by Ethlas

This is an NFT that they gave earlier to investors who invest in LP tokens, if you want one can buy from #opensea this is an investment of Xgems and the best part works like a “vitamin” special boost in-games.

2) THE TESSERACT [Still in a box don’t know what amazing things will get]

  • Limited-edition NFT collectible
  • Golden skin effect for Cyberpunk 2048
  • Increased material drop rate for the next season
  • Required to summon “New Worlds”

Gamer were able to Mint/Forge it from in-game Market -> Forging , but time is up! No more allowed, so the option left is to buy from second market #opensea . Currently, Ethlas has not issued Tesseract to the owners as they are coming up with more ideas on how to improve it and make it like a “super Vitamin” for In-Game

Once #Ethlas team issues the Tesseract you will be able to buy it from Opensea

3) Genesis Komos by Ethlas

My favorite character and the Kohinoor jewel on the Crown of Ethlas — #KOMO

This is a character that looks like a small cute Dragon, there are going to be a few types of Dragons. You can breed them later and get more.

The Genesis version where initially 8.3K and all are Minted “SOLD OUT” you can buy them from Opensea

Once you have a team of 3 Komo you can go and play the “KOMO KLASH” , you have chances to win approx 300–500 USD (Gems) in-game

Komo as of March 2022 is worth USD 300, if you don’t have the money to invest don’t worry you can rent them later to play, you will have to pay a small fee and share the amount you win.

Now for the investors as you read Komo will be available to be rented.

Investors can buy a few Komos and just board them to ethlas team and they will do the renting and make sure your Komo is safe, you just enjoy the ROI

All this sounds fun right there is more will try to write more once i experience personally the KOMO KLASH Game.

Cryptomaraj Official Links






Discord: coming soon.

Best of Luck on your Crypto/NFT journey


Note: This information is for educational purposes. and should not be considered in any way as financial advice. Kindly do your own research.

